Dear [Beneficial Owner Name]:

As part of [Name of Reporting Company]’s ongoing obligations under the 2021 Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), we are required to keep the information included in our Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report up to date. Since you have been identified as a beneficial owner, this is a reminder to notify us if any of your information has changed since the last report was filed.

A beneficial owner is defined as someone who:

  • Owns, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the company’s ownership interest. OR
  • Exercises substantial control over the entity (e.g., as a senior officer).

If any of the following information has changed, please inform us immediately:

  • Full legal name
  • Residential address
  • Date of birth
  • A unique identifier from a valid passport, driver’s license, or state ID (along with a photo of the ID)

Alternatively, if you have obtained a FinCEN ID number and any of the details associated with that number have changed, you are required to update FinCEN directly.

If you have not yet applied for a FinCEN ID number, we encourage you to do so. This will allow you to submit your FinCEN ID in place of your personal information. You can follow the instructions provided in the guide under the subheading ‘Obtaining a FinCEN Identifying Number’ in the article ‘Benefits of a FinCEN Identifying Number and a Guide for How to Apply.’

Please note that failure to update your information could result in significant civil and criminal penalties for both you and the entity.

If you have any questions or need assistance with this process, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


[Name of Reporting Company]