Articles (OLD)
COVID-19 CARES Act and Tax Update
As the situation evolves we are updating and sharing resources. LEARN MORE
Provisions Affecting Individuals
All U.S. residents who have a work eligible Social Security number and…LEARN MORE
Provisions Affecting Businesses
The CARES Act allows for the carryback of NOLs arising in taxable years… LEARN MORE
State Provision Conformity and Other State Updates
On Thursday, April 2, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that … LEARN MORE
COVID-19 Tax Planning Ideas
Here is a list of the provisions in the CARES Act which impact retirement accounts: LEARN MORE
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – Loan Calculator
Your business could be eligible for the Paycheck Protection Program if you are: LEARN MORE
Loan Program Comparison Chart
Compare PPP, EIDL, Main Street Facility and SBA Loans. LEARN MORE
Accounting for Your Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) Loan:
GPW recommends that a new general ledger account be created to track the PPP loan… LEARN MORE
Audits of PPP Loan Applications
The Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loan was intended to sustain small businesses… LEARN MORE
Supporting our Community
As you may know, GPW takes pride in supporting our community by providing… LEARN MORE
Resources: Federal News and Resources
IRS Coronavirus Tax relief News Releases, IRS: IR-2020-59: People First Initiative, and more… LEARN MORE
Resources: State and Local Assistance
California Franchise Tax Board Notice 2020-20 Extension of time to file tax protests, LEARN MORE
Resources: Loan Assistance
U.S. Small Business Administration: COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan Online Application LEARN MORE